Let's have a quick overview on how you would use terranix.
If you look for working examples check out examples folder at github.
A convenient way is to create a shell.nix
which holds your terranix and terraform setup.
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { } }:
hcloud_api_token = "`${pkgs.pass}/bin/pass development/hetzner.com/api-token`";
terraform = pkgs.writers.writeBashBin "terraform" ''
export TF_VAR_hcloud_api_token=${hcloud_api_token}
${pkgs.terraform}/bin/terraform "$@"
in pkgs.mkShell {
buildInputs = [ pkgs.terranix terraform ];
Create a config.nix
for example
{ ... }:
resource.hcloud_server.nginx = {
name = "terranix.nginx";
image = "debian-10";
server_type = "cx11";
backups = false;
resource.hcloud_server.test = {
name = "terranix.test";
image = "debian-9";
server_type = "cx11";
backups = true;
Create a Server
Next, lets generate the terraform configuration in json format
and run terraform apply
to let terraform do it's magic.
terranix config.nix > config.tf.json
terraform init && terraform apply
Destroy a Server
cleaning everything up is the job of terraform.
terraform destroy