terranix is available via the nix flakes.

If you don’t know what NixOS or Terraform is, have a look at what terranix is.

Using terranix via flakes

You can check out an example using the template feature of nix flakes.

nix flake init --template github:terranix/terranix-examples

Using terranixConfiguration

You can render the config.tf.json using the lib.terranixConfiguration.

Here is a minimal flake.nix

  inputs.terranix.url = "github:terranix/terranix";
  outputs = { terranix, ... }:
      system = "x86_64-linux";
      defaultPackage.${system} = terranix.lib.terranixConfiguration {
        inherit system;
        modules = [ ./config.nix ];

You can run nix build -o config.tf.json, which should create a config.tf.json in your current folder. Now you are ready to run terraform.

Import terranix modules

You can include a terranix module like a nixosModule with flakes.

inputs.github.url = "github:terranix/terranix-module-github";
terraformConfiguration = terranix.lib.terranixConfiguration{
  inherit system;
  modules = [

Writing terranix modules

If you want to create your own terranix module you can start with the module template from terranix-examples

nix flake init --template "github:terranix/terranix-examples#module"

terranix modules should obey the following output structure:

  • terranixModules.<name>
  • terranixModule : contains all terranixModules combined of the given flake.

using terranixOptions

It's good practise to provide a options.json and options.md on the top of your Repository. The function lib.terranixOptions renders a options.json which contains a lot of information, which can be easily queried by jq.

For example you can pull the options.json of the terranix github module

 curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/terranix/terranix-module-github/main/options.json | \
   jq 'to_entries | .[] |
       label: .key,
       type: .value.type,
       description: .value.description,
       example: .value.example | tojson,
       default: .value.default | tojson,
       defined: .value.declarations[0].path,
       url: .value.declarations[0].url,
     }' | \
   jq  -s '{ options: . }'

Using terranixConfigurationAst or terranixOptionsAst

If you want to get deeper insides in the output of terranixConfiguration or terranixOptions you can make use of the terranixConfigurationAst or the terranixOptionsAst function.

Here is a simple example of using nix repl and terranixConfigurationAst.

nix-repl> terranixAst = (builtins.getFlake "github:terranix/terranix").lib.terranixConfigurationAst
nix-repl> terranix = terranixAst {
  system = "x86_64-linux";
  modules = [{
    resource.local_file = {
      content = "yolo";
      filename = "./example";
nix-repl> terranix.config.resource.local_file
{ content = "yolo"; filename = "./example"; }